Your earthly life has ended. You arrive at Heaven and Saint Peter meets you at the gate.
"Nice to see you, we were expecting you. As a matter of fact, there’s a lot of people up here waiting to see you. However, on the first day, you are only allowed to see one person because it's quite overwhelming up here. Eventually you are free to be with everyone. After you choose who it will be, the two of you can dine together and enjoy the beauty of Heaven. So think about it for a second, who is the one you’d like to spend your very first day with in Heaven?"
You’re trembling at the thought of holding your baby girl who passed away at childbirth. Then your mind races with the neediness of seeing your mother, as you recall the endless nights of wishing she could comfort you. Cascading memories of others, like your dad and how special he made you feel. Your smile widens at the thought of seeing your best friend, who you always confided in. You are excited and overwhelmed at the thought of so many. Surely Heaven is a great place to spend eternity with all these marvelous people you so dearly love...
Finally St. Peter says, "it is time for you to make your choice, who do you want to spend your first day with?"
Tears streaming down your face, you say, "I choose my mother, she’s the one I missed the very most."
"Ok, have a seat, I will send for her, she’s definitely waiting to see you. I will also notify Jesus that you didn’t choose Him, so He can take you off His schedule today. He had hoped that you would want to spend your very the first day with Him."
Interesting isn’t it, that your Heavenly Father, The Son of God, Jesus Christ, The Lord of Your Life, The Creator of All, The Supreme Being, The Savior of the World, The Omnipotent One, The Lord of Lords, The King of Kings, The Holy Spirit, The Maker of Heaven and Earth, The Divine One, The Great Comforter, THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY was NOT chosen first!
Although we do not know what that day will be like, our longing to be with our Lord should overwhelm us with excitement. We say we have a personal relationship with Christ. But what kind of a relationship do we have, if we aren’t desperate to meet Him first? You may say, "oh yeah, I forgot Him, but of course I want to see Him first." If you are forgetting Christ and have to be reminded of His existence, then there’s something serious lacking in your personal relationship with Him. If you truly have a committed relationship with Jesus Christ, then there’s no relationship on this earth that can compare with that one! It’s authenticity could never allow you to ever think of HIM as a second choice.
Our number one goal, motivation, aspiration, desire, journey, plan, and hope should be to finally be with HIM. So think about how much you truly love your family and others, then ask yourself, how much do I really LOVE HIM?
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